I got to know Mario in 1999, just at the beginning of my incredible ride with Red Bull. We have kept in touch ever since and enjoy comparing our ideas on the evolution of consumer communications. I am a firm supporter of his concept for revamping the way brands promote their sustainability credentials. We are fellow directors of a company that will play a key-role in that plan.
After a flying career with the USAF, Harry began his business career at Anheuser Busch in St Louis where he introduced what is, today, the world’s biggest beer brand, Bud Light. He went on to be Marketing Director at the world’s biggest winery, Gallo, before rejoining A-B to introduce Budweiser into Europe.
In 1989 he bought a beer/wine/spirits importing company in London and continued to change the English beer drinking culture making a little known Mexican lager (SOL) famous. From there Harry went on to rescue a failing energy drink brand in the British Isles called Red Bull. Joining in 1995, Drnec had a crucial part to play in elevating the company to the lifestyle brand and marketing force that it is today. Boosted by innovative marketing and distribution strategies, Red Bull managed to grow its annual figure of cans sold from 3 million in 1994 to 300 million per year when he left in 2007.